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Comparison of spatial structures of urban agglomerations between the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Boswash based on the subpixel-level impervious surface coverage product

作     者:曹诗颂 胡德勇 胡卓玮 赵文吉 陈姗姗 于琛 

作者机构:College of Resource Environment and Tourism Capital Normal University 

出 版 物:《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 (地理学报(英文版))

年 卷 期:2018年第28卷第3期

页      面:306-322页


学科分类:0709[理学-地质学] 08[工学] 083301[工学-区域发展与规划] 0704[理学-天文学] 0833[工学-城乡规划学] 

基  金:National Natural Science Foundation of China No.41671339 

主  题:空间结构 城市 表面 渗透 产品 中国政府  空间优化 

摘      要:Under the background of China s rapid urbanization, study on comparative analysis of the spatial structure of urban agglomerations between China and the US can provide the policy proposals of space optimization for the Chinese government. Taking the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei(BTH) and Boswash as study area, we mapped the subpixel-level impervious surface coverage of the BTH and Boswash, respectively, from 1972 to 2011. Further, landscape metrics, gravitational model and spatial analysis were used to analyze the differences of the spatial structures between the BTH and Boswash. The results showed that(1) the area of the impervious surface increased rapidly in the BTH, while those remained stable in the Boswash.(2) The spatial structure of the BTH experienced different periods including isolated cities stage, dual-core cities stage, group cities stage and network-style cities stage, while those of the Boswash was more stable, and its spatial pattern showed a point-axis structure.(3) The spatial pattern of high-high assembling regions of the impervious surface exhibited a standing pancake feature in the BTH, while those showed a multi-center, local aggregation and global discrete feature in the Boswash.(4) All the percentages of the impervious surface of ecological, living, and production land of the BTH were higher than those of the Boswash. At last, from the perspective of space optimization of urban agglomeration, the development proposals for the BTH were proposed.

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