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Airborne particulate matter pollution in urban China: a chemical mixture perspective from sources to impacts

Airborne particulate matter pollution in urban China: a chemical mixture perspective from sources to impacts

作     者:Ling Jin Xiaosan Luo Pingqing Fu Xiangdong Li 

作者机构:Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University International Center for EcologyMeteorology and Environment School of Applied Meteorology Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology State Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Boundary Layer Physics and Atmospheric Chemistry Institute of Atmospheric PhysicsChinese Academy of Sciences 

出 版 物:《National Science Review》 (国家科学评论(英文版))

年 卷 期:2017年第4卷第4期

页      面:593-610页


学科分类:07[理学] 070602[理学-大气物理学与大气环境] 0706[理学-大气科学] 

基  金:financially supported by the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong(Poly U 152095/14E) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University(Projects of Strategic Importance and the Poly U Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme) the National Natural Science Foundation of China(41471418,41475117 and91543205) 

主  题:particle size source apportionment molecular tracer chemical speciation airborne microbiome bioavailability mixture toxicity cohort study 

摘      要:Rapid urban and industrial development has resulted in severe air-pollution problems in developing countries such as China, especially in highly industrialized and populous urban clusters. Dissecting the complex mixtures of airborne particulate matter(PM) has been a key scientific focus in the last two decades,leading to significant advances in understanding physicochemical compositions for comprehensive source apportionment. However, identifying causative components with an attributable link to population-based health outcomes remains a huge challenge. The microbiome, an integral dimension of the PM mixture, is an unexplored frontier in terms of identities and functions in atmospheric processes and human health. In this review, we identify the major gaps in addressing these issues, and recommend a holistic framework for evaluating the sources, processes and impacts of atmospheric PM pollution. Such an approach and the knowledge generated will facilitate the formulation of regulatory measures to control PM pollution in China and elsewhere.

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