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Synthesis of polyurea from 1,6-hexanediamine with CO_2 through a two-step polymerization

Synthesis of polyurea from 1,6-hexanediamine with CO_2 through a two-step polymerization

作     者:Shan Jiang Ruhui Shi Haiyang Cheng Chao Zhang Fengyu Zhao 

作者机构:School of Chemical Engineering Changchun University of Technology State Key Laboratory of Electroanalytical Chemistry Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences Jilin Province Key Laboratory of Green Chemistry and Process Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences 

出 版 物:《Green Energy & Environment》 (绿色能源与环境(英文版))

年 卷 期:2017年第2卷第4期

页      面:370-376页


学科分类:083002[工学-环境工程] 0830[工学-环境科学与工程(可授工学、理学、农学学位)] 081704[工学-应用化学] 07[理学] 08[工学] 0817[工学-化学工程与技术] 070305[理学-高分子化学与物理] 080501[工学-材料物理与化学] 0805[工学-材料科学与工程(可授工学、理学学位)] 0703[理学-化学] 

基  金:the financial support from National Basic Research Program of China(2016YFA0602900) National Natural Science Foundation of China(21672204,21273222) Youth Innovation Promotion Association CAS(2016206) Jilin Provincial Science and Technology Program of China(20160203007GX) 

主  题:CO2 Polyurea Two-step polymerization Catalysis 

摘      要:Activation and transformation of CO_2 is one of the important issues in the field of green and sustainable chemistry. Herein, CO_2 as a carbonoxygen resource was converted to CO_2-polyurea with 1,6-hexanediamine through a two-step polymerization. The reaction parameters such as temperature, pressure and reaction time were examined; and several kinds of catalysts were screened in the absence and presence of NMP solvent. The formed oligomer and the final polyurea were characterized by FT-IR, VT-DRIFTS, NMR, XRD, AFM and their thermal properties were examined by TGA and DSC. It was confirmed that the final polyurea has a high thermal stability; the melting temperature is 269℃ and the decomposition temperature is above 300℃. It is a brittle polymer with a tensile strength of 18.35 MPa at break length of 1.64%. The polyurea has a stronger solvent resistance due to the ordered hydrogen bond in structure. The average molecular weight should be enhanced in the postpolymerization as the appearance, hydrogen bond intensity, crystallinity, melting point and the thermal stability changed largely compared to the oligomer. The present work provides a new kind of polyurea, it is expected to have a wide application in the field of polymer materials.

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