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XAANTAL2 (AGL14) Is an Important Component of the Complex Gene Regulatory Network that Underlies Arabidopsis Shoot Apical Meristem Transitions

XAANTAL2 (AGL14) Is an Important Component of the Complex Gene Regulatory Network that Underlies Arabidopsis Shoot Apical Meristem Transitions

作     者:Rigoberto V. Perez-R.u.iz Berenice Garcia-Ponce Nayelli Marsch-Martinez Yamel Ugartechea-Chirino Mitzi Villajuana-Bonequi Stefan de Folter Eugenio Azpeitia Jose Davila-Velderrain David Cruz-Sanchez Adriana Garay-Arroyo Maria de la Paz Sanchez Juan M. Estevez-Palmas Elena R. Alvarez-Buylla 

作者机构:Instituto de Ecologia Universidad Nacionat Autonoma de Moxico 3er Circuito Exterior s/no Junto al Jardin Bot~nico and Centro de Ciencias de la ComplejidadCiudad Universitaria Coyoacan 04510 Mexico D.F. Mexico Laboratorio Nacional de Genemica para la Biodiversidad (Langebio) Centro de Investigaci6n y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Polit~cnico Nacional(CINVESTAV-IPN) Km. 9.6 Carretera Irapuato - Leen AP 629 36821 Irapuato Guanajuato Mexico University of California 431 Koshland Hall Berkeley CA 94720 USA These authors contributed equally to this article. present address: Departamento de Biotecnologia y Biquimica Centro de )nvestigaci6n y de Estudios Avanzados del Instituto Polit6cnico Nacional(CINVESTAV-IPN) Km. 9.6 Libramiento Norte Carr. Irapuato-Leen 36821 Irapuato Guanajuato Mexico present address: Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research D-50829 Cologne Germany Present address: INRIA Project-Team Virtual Plants/CIRAD/INRA UMR AGAP Campus St Priest - BAT 5 CC 05018 860 rue de St Priest 34095 Montpellier Cedex5 France 

出 版 物:《Molecular Plant》 (分子植物(英文版))

年 卷 期:2015年第8卷第5期

页      面:796-813页


学科分类:0710[理学-生物学] 07[理学] 09[农学] 071009[理学-细胞生物学] 0901[农学-作物学] 0902[农学-园艺学] 

基  金:UC-MEXUS supported by the Miller Institute for Basic Research in Science, University of California, Berkeley, USA supported by CONACyT PAPIIT, UNAM 

主  题:XAL2/AGL14 MADS-box TFL1 SAM transitions floral reversion gene regulatory networks,epigenetic landscape modeling 

摘      要:In Arabidopsis thaliana, multiple genes involved in shoot apical meristem (SAM) transitions have been char- acterized, but the mechanisms required for the dynamic attainment of vegetative, inflorescence, and floral meristem (VM, IM, FM) cell fates during SAM transitions are not well understood. Here we show that a MADS-box gene, XAANTAL2 (XAL2/AGL14), is necessary and sufficient to induce flowering, and its regula- tion is important in FM maintenance and determinacy, xal2 mutants are late flowering, particularly under short-day (SD) condition, while XAL2 overexpressing plants are early flowering, but their flowers have vege- tative traits. Interestingly, inflorescences of the latter plants have higher expression levels of LFY, AP1, and TFL1 than wild-type plants. In addition we found that XAL2 is able to bind the TFL1 regulatory regions. On the other hand, the basipetal carpels of the 35S::XAL2 lines lose determinacy and maintain high levels of WUS expression under SD condition. To provide a mechanistic explanation for the complex roles of XAL2 in SAM transitions and the apparently paradoxical phenotypes of XAL2 and other MADS-box (SOCl, AGL24) over- expressors, we conducted dynamic gene regulatory network (GRN) and epigenetic landscape modeling. We uncovered a GRN module that underlies VM, IM, and FM gene configurations and transition patterns in wild- type plants as well as loss and gain of function lines characterized here and previously. Our approach thus provides a novel mechanistic framework for understanding the complex basis of SAM development.

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