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Mistaking Statistics for Rigor in American Business School Research: Should China Follow, or Lead in a New Direction?

Mistaking Statistics for Rigor in American Business School Research: Should China Follow, or Lead in a New Direction?

作     者:Allen S. Lee 

作者机构:School of Business Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond VA 23284-4000 USA 

出 版 物:《Frontiers of Business Research in China》 (中国高等学校学术文摘·工商管理研究(英文版))

年 卷 期:2014年第8卷第4期

页      面:411-434页

学科分类:040106[教育学-高等教育学] 0303[法学-社会学] 02[经济学] 0202[经济学-应用经济学] 1204[管理学-公共管理] 020208[经济学-统计学] 0401[教育学-教育学] 0302[法学-政治学] 04[教育学] 1202[管理学-工商管理] 

主  题:philosophy of science,methodology sciences of the artificial,research business researchphilosophy of technology statisticaldesign science design research action 

摘      要:The heavy emphasis on statistical rigor that business schools in American universities place on research is questionable in general and, for business schools in China, is not necessarily a good strategy by which either to produce useful research or to distinguish themselves from business schools in the United States. The reasons for this pertain to, first, what statistical analysis is good for in science; second, what statistical analysis is not good for in science; third, what statistical analysis is and is not good for in business research; fourth, how a large sample size is not generalizable but a single case is; fifth, how action research, design research, and Herbert Simon's "sciences of the artificial" all demonstrate rigor without statistics; and finally, the historical context that explains the turn to statistics in American business schools but is irrelevant to China. The recommendation is for business schools in China not necessarily to reject statistical research, but rather, to also pursue other, equally scientific forms of research, including those recognized by Herbert Simon.

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