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Antioxidant effect of indirect moxibustion on healthy subjects:a pilot study

Antioxidant effect of indirect moxibustion on healthy subjects:a pilot study

作     者:Hyejung Park Hyeunggeug Kim Sara Yoo Namhun Lee Changgue Son 

作者机构:Liver and Immunology Research CenterDaejeon Oriental Hospital of Oriental Medical College of Daejeon University22-5 Daehung-dongJung-guDaejeon 301-724Republic of Korea 

出 版 物:《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 (中医杂志(英文版))

年 卷 期:2012年第32卷第4期

页      面:590-595页


学科分类:1005[医学-中医学] 100512[医学-针灸推拿学] 10[医学] 

主  题:Moxibustion Point CV 4 (Guanyuan) Point CV 8 (Shenque) Antioxidants Pilot projects 

摘      要:OBJECTIVE:Moxibustion has long been thought to promote vital energy or immunity through clinical *** study aimed to investigate the clinical effects of indirect moxibustion on antioxidant and immunomodulation in a normal ***:Twenty-five healthy volunteers with no objective or subjective disorders were *** participants were treated with indirect moxibustion on acupoints Guanyuan(CV 4) and Shenque(CV 8) three times per week for 4 *** serum levels of reactive oxygen species(ROS) and malondialdehyde(MDA),the total antioxidant capacity(TAC),the activities of catalase and superoxide dismutase(SOD),and the total glutathione content were determined before and after the 12th *** subpopulations and 42 cytokines in the peripheral blood were analyzed using flow cytometry and antibody array,***:Compared with the initial time point,the serum levels of ROS and MDA were significantly lowered by moxibustion,while TAC was increased(P0.01 for all).A significant increase was observed in catalase activity(P0.05),but not in SOD or total *** were no significant changes in lymphocyte subpopulations or cytokines in the peripheral *** of 25 participants reported at least one symptom in which they felt subjective improvement after ***:Indirect moxibustion on acupoints CV 4 and CV 8 improved the antioxidant defense system,which may be a mechanism explaining the clinical effects of moxibustion.

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