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Area-based mobile multicast group key management scheme for secure mobile cooperative sensing

Area-based mobile multicast group key management scheme for secure mobile cooperative sensing

作     者:Jie CUI Hong ZHONG Weiya LUO Jing ZHANG 

作者机构:School of Computer Science and Technology Anhui University 

出 版 物:《Science China(Information Sciences)》 (中国科学:信息科学(英文版))

年 卷 期:2017年第60卷第9期

页      面:286-292页


学科分类:11[军事学] 1105[军事学-军队指挥学] 0839[工学-网络空间安全] 08[工学] 110505[军事学-密码学] 110503[军事学-军事通信学] 

基  金:supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61572001, 61502008) Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province (Grant No. 1508085QF132) 

主  题:LKH AKD Area-based mobile multicast group key management scheme for secure mobile cooperative sensing node 

摘      要:In this study,we propose a novel key management model for localized mobile groups that employ *** service provisions will not be interrupted while users move among different wireless network areas,while each network provides the respective multicast services *** the mobile users in a given area form a cluster managed by an area key distributor(AKD)[1],and the AKD takes charge of the distribution of a key and updates the clusters *** our

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