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Surface Sediment Density and Moisture Content in North slope of South China Sea

Surface Sediment Density and Moisture Content in North slope of South China Sea

作     者:ZHANG Bowen ZHU Chaoqi JIA Yonggang ZHANG Xiatao DAI Xinnan SHEN Zhicong JIANG Jun WANG Xinquan 

作者机构:Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Marine Environment and Geological Engineering( Ocean University of China) Laboratory for Marine GeologyQingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology 

出 版 物:《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 (地质学报(英文版))

年 卷 期:2017年第91卷第S1期

页      面:155-156页


学科分类:070704[理学-海洋地质] 0709[理学-地质学] 0819[工学-矿业工程] 07[理学] 0707[理学-海洋科学] 0818[工学-地质资源与地质工程] 0708[理学-地球物理学] 0816[工学-测绘科学与技术] 

基  金:support ed by NSFC Open Research Cruise (Cruise No. NORC2 015-05 and Cruise No. NORC2015-06) funded by Shipti me Sharing Project of NSFC 

主  题:Surface Sediment Density and Moisture Content in North slope of South China Sea 

摘      要:Marine engineering geology is mainly based on the actual project to study the seabed.This provides a variety of engineering geological parameters for the development of marine engineering(Zhu et al.,2016).This is an early

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