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Body and Etiquette: Practicing Propriety by Wearing Jade and the Origin of Confucian Myth-ritual

Body and Etiquette: Practicing Propriety by Wearing Jade and the Origin of Confucian Myth-ritual

作     者:TANG Qi-cui WU Yu-wei 

作者机构:Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai China The Chinese University ofHong Kong Hong Kong China 

出 版 物:《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 (文学与艺术研究(英文版))

年 卷 期:2017年第7卷第4期

页      面:399-409页


基  金:This paper is supported by China National Social Science Foundation "A Study on the Relationship Between the Myth of Ritual Vessels in Rites of Zhou and the Construction of Chinese ritual discourse" (13CZW022). Here I'm grateful to Wu Yuwei for her help to translate the article first 

摘      要:Etiquette (禮 Li, or ceremonial rules) is essentially a narrative symbol laden on human body (體 Ti). The practice and belief in etiquette and body are observable points which cannot be ignored in genetics exploration of "etiquette". This article makees an archaeological excavation on "Li" (禮),"Ti" (體), and the metaphorical meaning of such phrases as "ringing jade to show etiquette" (鸣玉以相 ), "practicing etiquette by wearing jade" (佩玉践形) and so on.

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