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Diabetes, Obesity and the Nutrition Transition in the Mercosur

Diabetes, Obesity and the Nutrition Transition in the Mercosur

作     者:Tatiane Andreazza Lucchese Amanda Maia Breis Karine Rucker Vagner Rosa Bizarro Lis Marina Mesquita Araújo Alessandre Gomes Mikele Torino Paletti Ana Luísa Conceição de Jesus Marcella Garcez Duarte Denise Rosso Tenório Wanderley Rocha Alberto Krayyem Arbex Tatiane Andreazza Lucchese;Amanda Maia Breis;Karine Rucker;Vagner Rosa Bizarro;Lis Marina Mesquita Araújo;Alessandre Gomes;Mikele Torino Paletti;Ana Luísa Conceição de Jesus;Marcella Garcez Duarte;Denise Rosso Tenório Wanderley Rocha;Alberto Krayyem Arbex

作者机构:Division of Endocrinology IPEMED Medical School (IPEMED) Sao Paulo Brazil Brazilian Association of Nutrology (ABRAN) Catanduva Sao Paulo Brazil Visiting Scholar Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health Harvard University Boston USA 

出 版 物:《Open Journal of Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases》 (内分泌与新陈代谢疾病期刊(英文))

年 卷 期:2016年第6卷第1期

页      面:28-37页

学科分类:1002[医学-临床医学] 10[医学] 

主  题:Obesity Diabetes Mercosur Nutrition Transition Right to Health South America 

摘      要:Diabetes and obesity are major health hazards in Latin America nowadays. Their prevalence has steadily increased since the eighties. Today, more than 50% of the population are overweight, 15% has obesity and 6% to 15% has diabetes. The nutrition transition is a long-term process that brings chronic metabolic diseases as an undesired consequence, whilst ultra processed foods become increasingly part of daily food choices. These changes bring impacts in all fields of daily life, especially in the economic and legal fields—the “Right to Health—and regarding autonomy of the individual and their choices, when confronted with an ideal of health and well-being. Governments and citizens struggle to propose new pathways and find effective solutions to control both epidemics and solve these issues. This article poses the evolution of diabetes and obesity in the Mercosur, seeking a better understanding of these chronic, non-communicable diseases, and looking for concrete, effective solutions towards health in South America.

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