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Health, Physical Activity and the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Olympic Games: Legacy or Fallacy?

Health, Physical Activity and the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Olympic Games: Legacy or Fallacy?

作     者:Vagner Rosa Bizarro Tatiane Andreazza Lucchese Amanda Maia Breis Karine Rucker Minelli Salles Alves Fernandes Mikele Torino Paletti Ana Luísa Conceição de Jesus Raphael Calafange Marques Pereira Denise Rosso Tenório Wanderley Rocha Alberto Krayyem Arbex Vagner Rosa Bizarro;Tatiane Andreazza Lucchese;Amanda Maia Breis;Karine Rucker;Minelli Salles Alves Fernandes;Mikele Torino Paletti;Ana Luísa Conceição de Jesus;Raphael Calafange Marques Pereira;Denise Rosso Tenório Wanderley Rocha;Alberto Krayyem Arbex

作者机构:Division of Endocrinology IPEMED Medical School Rio de Janeiro Brazil Division of Rehabilitation Sciences UNISUAM Rio de Janeiro Brazil Harvard School of Public Health Harvard University Boston USA 

出 版 物:《Health》 (健康(英文))

年 卷 期:2016年第8卷第1期

页      面:9-17页


主  题:Physical Activity Olympic Games Paralympic Games Olympic Legacy Rio de Janeiro Rio 2016 

摘      要:It is generally expected that the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games will bring health and social benefits to their host city and to Brazil. This assumption comes from “common sense, as a logical conclusion arising from the fact that host cities “inspire and stimulate lifestyle changes. Benefits are also expected on tourism, self-image, architecture and the economy of the country as a whole. But are these expectations real and evidence-based? What parts of these “facts are concrete and which ones are not? This paper suggests available ways of quantifying positive effects of hosting an Olympic Game, and puts the focus of this approach on the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Olympic Games and their true legacy, seeking scientific certainties.

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