The lmportance of Just Being There出 版 物:《英语学习》 (English Language Learning)
年 卷 期:2001年第12期
页 面:16-17页
学科分类:0502[文学-外国语言文学] 050201[文学-英语语言文学] 05[文学]
摘 要:为出人头地,为功成名就,我们必须学会冷静地思考, 感受我们身边的平凡。但同时却忘记了如何去认真地感受 What s the most importantthing you ve done in yourlife?The question wasput to me during a presentation I gaveto a group of *** answer came to me in *** it s not the one I gave,because the setting wasn t *** alawyer in the entertainment industry,I knew the audience wanted to hearsome amusing stories about my workwith well-known *** here sthe true answer,the one that leapt from