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Analysis of Factors Determining the Demand for Water: A Case Study of Sabie Administrative Post, Moamba District, Mozambique

Analysis of Factors Determining the Demand for Water: A Case Study of Sabie Administrative Post, Moamba District, Mozambique

作     者:Helder Antonio Manjate Joao Enganado Mutondo 

作者机构:Faculty of Agricultural and Forestry Engineering at Zambeze University P.O. Box 49 Mocuba District Zambezia Province Mozambique Faculty of Agronomy and Forestry Engineering at Eduardo Mondlane University P.O. Box 257 Maputo Mozambique 

出 版 物:《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 (农业科学与技术(B))

年 卷 期:2016年第6卷第1期

页      面:18-26页

学科分类:0711[理学-系统科学] 082802[工学-农业水土工程] 07[理学] 08[工学] 0828[工学-农业工程] 081101[工学-控制理论与控制工程] 0811[工学-控制科学与工程] 071102[理学-系统分析与集成] 081103[工学-系统工程] 

主  题:Domestic use irrigation use water demand. 

摘      要:Water is an important resource for human being. However, it has been increasingly becoming the limited resource. Therefore, the debate of water issues has been centered in mechanisms to implement sustainable water management. Hence, understanding the determinants of water demand might help design appropriate water management policies, however, they are not known in Mozambique. Due to the lack of knowledge about the determinants of water demand in Mozambique in general and in Sabi6 in particular, the present study was conducted to analyse the factors determining the water demand for irrigation and domestic use using a linear regression model and travel cost method, respectively. The results show that an increase in 1 h of irrigation time increases the quantity demanded of irrigation water by 362.04 m3 and an increase in one irrigation per week increases the quantity demanded of irrigation water by 1,065.61 m3. Additionally, the results show that an increase in 1% of time spent in water collection decreases the number of trips by 0.3% and an increase in 1% in the number of household members involved in water collection decreases the number of the water collection trips by 0.23%. Household having private taps have less number of trips collecting water compared to those collecting water from public taps and boreholes as well as rivers. Therefore, the water demand for irrigation is determined by time spent for irrigation per day and the number of irrigations per week, and water demand for domestic use is determined by time spent for water collection, number of household members involved in water collection, the volumes of the containers used to collect water, the number of containers used to collect water, the quantity of water consumed by the household as well as the main source of water (river, boreholes and public tap).

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