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Study on the Surface Ultrastructure of the Internal Elastic Lamina of Rabbit Aorta

Study on the Surface Ultrastructure of the Internal Elastic Lamina of Rabbit Aorta

作     者:张亚历 侯双凤 Zhang Yali Hou Shuangfeng Department of Pathology,First Medical College of PLA,Guangzhou

作者机构:Department of Pathology First Medical College of PLA Guangzhou 

出 版 物:《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA》 (中国人民解放军军医大学学报(英文版))

年 卷 期:1986年第2期

页      面:146-150页

学科分类:1002[医学-临床医学] 100214[医学-肿瘤学] 10[医学] 

主  题:internal elastic lamina elastic fibers aorta stomata of internal elastic lamina smooth muscle cell of media scanning electron microscopy 

摘      要:The surface ultrastructure of the internal elastic lamina(IEL)ofrabbit aorta was investigated with scanning electron microscopy(SEM).After fixation of aorta in situ at physiological pressure,the endotheliumwas torn off by using nitrocellulose and the endothelim-free intima wasdigested by HC1 and then treated by *** IEL,covering thetunica media,was carpet-like which consisted of densely populated elas-tic *** Stomata of the IEL were also *** stomatawere probably specially differentiated structures and some cells could beseen passing through *** significance of stomata was *** proposed that SEM was very useful for studying the three-dimens-sional relationship of the IEL.

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