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Quality Analysis and Evaluation of Maize Cultivars Approved by Shanxi Province


作     者:智建奇 武海丽 马淑文 赵力 赵鑫 焦建伟 Jianqi ZHI;Haili WU;Shuwen MA;Li ZHAO;Xin ZHAO;Jianwei JIAO


出 版 物:《Agricultural Science & Technology》 (农业科学与技术(英文版))

年 卷 期:2016年第17卷第3期

页      面:555-560页

学科分类:09[农学] 0901[农学-作物学] 

基  金:Supported by Shanxi Provincial Fund for Development of Modern Crop Seed Industry(2014ZYFFZ-07) Twelfth Five-Year Plan of Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences for Maize Breeding(11yzgc136) 

主  题:Maize Crude protein content Crude fat content Crude starch content Lysine content Unit weight 

摘      要:[Objective] This study aimed to provide a theoretical basis for the genetic improvement of maize quality in Shanxi Province. [Method] The variations in unit weight, crude starch content, crude protein content, crude fat content and lysine content of maize cultivars approved by Shanxi Province during 2003-2012 were analyzed. [Result] In Shanxi Province, the average unit weight and crude starch content of maize cultivars approved during 2003-2012 were trended to be increased;the crude fat contents of maize cultivars approved during 2003-2012 showed no significant changes; the lysine contents of maize cultivars approved during 2003-2008 were essentially unchanged; the crude protein contents of maize cultivars approved during 2003-2012 declined slightly. [Conclusion] The crude starch content and unit weight of maize increased with the increased yield; the crude protein content, crude fat content and lysine content showed certain stability, and they were mainly controlled by genes. Therefore, the breeding of particular maize should be strengthened.

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