Economics Analysis for Information Flow of the Leader Dynamic Management in Virtual Enterprise
Economics Analysis for Information Flow of the Leader Dynamic Management in Virtual Enterprise出 版 物:《厦门大学学报(自然科学版)》 (Journal of Xiamen University:Natural Science)
年 卷 期:2002年第41卷第S1期
页 面:234-页
学科分类:08[工学] 080203[工学-机械设计及理论] 0802[工学-机械工程]
基 金:ProjectsupportedbyNationalScienceFoundationofChina (70 1 71 0 0 7)
主 题:virtual enterprise leader dynamic management i nformation flow validity and efficiency
摘 要:The virtual enterprise will play a more and more im po rtant role in economy development. The virtual enterprise leader raises market a daptability and group cooperation ability through its dynamic management. Thus t he validity and efficiency of leader’s dynamic management determines the efficie ncy of the virtual enterprise operation, and the validity of the information flo w is one of the main factors. In this paper, the validity of the information flo w in the course of the leader’s dynamic management in the virtual enterprise is analyzed by using the economic searching theory and the information theory, and the possible ways to improve the validity and efficiency of leader’s dynamic man agement are indicated. Firstly, the basic concepts such as leader’s dynamic management, virtual enterpr ise, and its leader are defined. The dynamic management procedure for the virtua l enterprise leader is analyzed with the dynamic theory raised by Mowshowitz. Secondly, the model for the dynamic management of the virtual enterprise leader is constructed using multi-goal selection. The information flow validity for th e leader during the stages of the identification and the establishment is analyz ed with the economic searching theory and the information theory. Meanwhile, the value of the dynamic management policy is discussed with the information va lue theory. Finally, two ways to improve the validity of the information flow are obtained. The first way is to process the various kinds of information of the existing mem bers in the virtual enterprise for the future cooperative usage and to extend th e selective objects for the leader, and to make the detailed and clear mechanism of the object evaluation and selection (the market chance and the cooperative partner). The other way is to build the system of the effective transfer and process of the feedback information flow during the operation of the virtual ent erprise based on the information technology.