A NUMERICAL STUDY ON THE PATH AND ORIGIN OF THE YELLOW SEA WARM CURRENT (YSWC)作者机构:Labortary of Marine Science and Numerical Modeling State Oceanic Administration
出 版 物:《Journal of Hydrodynamics》 (水动力学研究与进展B辑(英文版))
年 卷 期:2001年第13卷第3期
页 面:1-9页
基 金:theNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina (No:4 98760 0 6 No:4 973 61 0 9)andtheMa jorStateBasicResearchDevelopmentProgramofChina (No:G1 9990 4 3 80 9)
摘 要:A three dimensional baroclinic model (POM) is employed to study the path, orgin and strength of the Yellow Sea Warm Current (YSWC). The model produced results are compared with the observed temperature and salinity fields, the trajectories of drifters and moored current meter data. The results show: (1) It is indicated for the first time that the YSWC in winter orignates from the middle sector (28°N, 126°E), the truning directional sector (30°N, 127°E) of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea (ECS) and the separated sector of the Tsushima Warm Current (TsWC) at (31°N, 128°E), while in summer mainly originates from the Taiwan Warm Current (TaWC) and partly from the separated sector of the TsWC. This path is consistent with the main distribution feature of the quasi synoptic observed temperature and salinity. The model produced anticyclonic gyre (28°N, 125.5°E) branched from the middle sector of the ECS Kuroshio agrees with the observed results of the satellite drifters. (2) The model produced YSWC is located between 50~60m isobath on the West Side of the Yellow Sea Trough (YST), which is consistent with the location of the Warm and Saline tongue. The model produced cyclonic gyre centering at (36°N, 124.5°E) coincides with the observed results in Feb. 1997. The traditional view indicates that the Northern Jiangsu Coastal Current (NJCC) turns eastward at (32.5°N, 122°E). However, we think that the NJCC goes southward and only the coastal water invades near (32.5°N, 122°E). The model produced path is consistent with the warm tongue in the range of 34° 35°N, 122.5° 123.5°E in 30m layer. (3) The model produced YSWC is strong in winter and weak in summer, which coincides with the observations. The northward volume transport along 35°N section in winter and summer are 0.72sv and 0.38sv, respectively, with an annual flux of about 1.54·10 13 m 3. The volume transport entering the Bohai Sea in winter and summer are 0.19sv and 0.09sv, respectively, with an annual fl