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Riboflavin concentration in corneal stroma after intracameral injection

Riboflavin concentration in corneal stroma after intracameral injection

作     者:Na Li Xiu-Jun Peng Zheng-Jun Fan Xu Pang Yu Xia Teng-Fei Wu 

作者机构:Chinese PLA Medical School & Chinese PLA General Hospital Department of Ophthalmology Navy General Hospital of Chinese PLA 

出 版 物:《International Journal of Ophthalmology(English edition)》 (国际眼科杂志(英文版))

年 卷 期:2015年第8卷第3期

页      面:470-475页


学科分类:1002[医学-临床医学] 100212[医学-眼科学] 10[医学] 

主  题:riboflavin cornea intracameral injection high-performance liquid chromatography endothelium 

摘      要:AIM: To evaluate the enrichment of riboflavin in the corneal stroma after intracameral injection to research the barrier ability of the corneal endothelium to riboflavin in vivo.METHODS: The right eyes of 30 New Zealand white rabbits were divided into three groups. Different concentrations riboflavin-balanced salt solutions(BSS)were injected into the anterior chamber(10 with 0.5%, 10 with 1%, and 10 with 2%). Eight corneal buttons of 8.5mm in diameter from each group were dissected at 30 min after injection and the riboflavin concentrations in the corneal stroma were determined using high-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) after removing the epithelium and endothelium. The other two rabbits in every group were observed for 24 h and sacrificed. As a comparison, the riboflavin concentrations from 16 corneal stromal samples were determined using HPLC after instillation of 0.1% riboflavin-BSS solution for30 min on the corneal surface(8 without epithelium and 8with intact epithelium).RESULTS: The mean riboflavin concentrations were11.19, 18.97, 25.08, 20.18, and 1.13 μg/g for 0.5%, 1%, 2%,de-epithelialzed samples, and the transepithelial groups,respectively. The color change of the corneal stroma and the HPLC results showed that enrichment with riboflavin similar to classical de-epithelialized corneal collagen crosslinking(CXL) could be achieved by intracameral 1%riboflavin-BSS solution after 30min; the effect appeared to be continuous for at least 30 min.CONCLUSION: Riboflavin can effectively penetrate the corneal stroma through the endothelium after an intracameral injection in vivo, so it could be an enhancing method that could improve the corneal riboflavin concentration in transepithelial CXL.

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