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Land Use Regionalization of Rural Settlements in China

Land Use Regionalization of Rural Settlements in China

作     者:SONG Wei CHEN Baiming ZHANG Ying 

作者机构:Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources ResearchChinese Academy of Sciences University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 

出 版 物:《Chinese Geographical Science》 (中国地理科学(英文版))

年 卷 期:2013年第23卷第4期

页      面:421-434页


学科分类:07[理学] 08[工学] 09[农学] 0903[农学-农业资源与环境] 070104[理学-应用数学] 083306[工学-城乡规划管理] 0833[工学-城乡规划学] 0701[理学-数学] 

基  金:Under the auspices of National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41001108) 

主  题:rural settlement land use regionalization hierarchical analysis China 

摘      要:This paper compartmentalizes regional land use of rural settlements in China by employing a hierarchical clustering *** statistic data are sourced from the National Bureau of Statistics of China(NBSC) and the data of land use change from the Ministry of Land and Resources of China(MLRC).The population of rural settlement decreases from the southeast to the northwest of China and the density of rural settlement decreases from the east to the west of ***-use scale of rural settlement,the proportion of one-storey houses and the average household area decrease from the north to the south of *** ratio of area of cultivated land to rural settlement is high in the northeast and southwest of China but low in the southeast of *** land use regionalization of rural settlement can be divided into four regions,namely:the northern region of China,Qinghai-Tibet,Yunnan-Guizhou,and the middle and eastern region of *** northern region of China and the middle and eastern region of China can be further divided into nine sub-regions:Xinjiang,Northeast China,Ningxia and Inner Mongolia,North China,the south of the Changjiang(Yantze) River and Sichuan Basin,Jiangsu-Shanghai,South China,the Loess Plateau,and *** consideration of the significant regional differences,it is proposed that different policies should be implemented regarding the utilization and management of rural settlements.

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