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Limiting Nuisance for Traffic during the Refurbishment of the Heinenoord Tunnel in The Netherlands:In Search of Resilience Possibilities

作     者:Ronald W.Mante 

作者机构:PIARC TC 4.4 Working Group 2 on Safety and ResilienceRijkswaterstaat(RWS)Ministry of Infrastructure and Water ManagementUtrecht NL-3526 LAThe Netherlands 

出 版 物:《Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering》 (交通与运输工程(英文版))

年 卷 期:2024年第12卷第6期

页      面:276-290页

学科分类:0809[工学-电子科学与技术(可授工学、理学学位)] 08[工学] 

主  题:Road tunnel safety refurbishment resilience traffic nuisance social interests 

摘      要:The Heinenoord Tunnel in The Netherlands connects the Hoeksche Waard Island with the city of *** tunnel is 614 m long,consists of two unidirectional tubes(3 lanes each)and has an average daily traffic load of 92,100 *** tunnel was opened for traffic in *** structure is basically still sound,but a full refurbishment of the installations and systems is required,because they are end of life.A long closure of the tunnel(or even one tube)is not possible,because alternative routes are scarce and require significant extra travel time,not suitable for the high traffic ***,various scenarios were considered to assure the accessibility of the Hoeksche Waard during the works,scheduled for ***-criteria analyses were performed for each scenario,taking into account the total project cost,societal cost(due to extra travel time)and the total required time span for the *** through“parallel assemblyproved to be *** concept means that the new installations and systems are installed next to the current ones,that will remain in service until the end phase of the *** existing installations and systems are only dismantled after integral testing has shown that the completed new ones work *** approach allows most of the works to be carried out during a series of night and weekend closures of just one *** limits nuisance,because one driving direction is always left undisturbed,while the closure for the other driving direction takes place in low-traffic *** paper describes the applied method to select the optimal refurbishment approach,as well as the(partly unconventional)measures that are implemented to enhance the resilience of the tunnel system to assure as much availability for traffic as possible,also during future maintenance works.

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