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Encapsulating taurine into liposomes:A promising therapeutic for liver fibrosis

作     者:Xue-Juan Zhang Xiao-Yi Jiang Yi-Lin Ma Fei-Yi Huang Zheng-Wei Huang 

作者机构:College of PharmacyJinan UniversityGuangzhou 511443Guangdong ProvinceChina 

出 版 物:《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 (世界胃肠病学杂志(英文))

年 卷 期:2024年第30卷第41期

页      面:4509-4513页


学科分类:1002[医学-临床医学] 100201[医学-内科学(含:心血管病、血液病、呼吸系病、消化系病、内分泌与代谢病、肾病、风湿病、传染病)] 10[医学] 

基  金:Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China,No.82373800 Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation,No.2024A1515011236 General Program of Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Guangdong Province,No.20241071 

主  题:Taurin Liposome Liver fibrosis Targeted therapy Nanoparticle delivery systems Hepatic stellate cells 

摘      要:We summarize the mechanism by which taurine(Tau)inhibits autophagy and induces iron apoptosis in hepatic stellate *** interacts with autophagy regulates multifunctional proteins,microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 Beta,and autophagy-related gene 5 to inhibit autophagy,binds to ferritin heavy chain 1 and nuclear receptor coactivator 4 to trigger ferritin autophagy,and interacts with glutathione peroxidase 4 to promote iron *** is a solid rationale for developing Tau-based therapies targeting autophagy and ferroptosis *** a pharmaceutical point of view,there are certain requirements for Tau protein delivery systems,such as loading efficiency,stability,and *** should also contain a hydrophilic motif similar to Tau to optimize loading *** Tau is a hydrophilic molecule with high water solubility,liposomes,micelles,and amphiphilic polymer nanoparticles may represent a superior *** nanostructure of the liposome includes a water region and a lipid membrane to sequester hydrophilic and hydrophobic drugs,respectively,whereas Tau is expected to be loaded into the water *** addition,a representative method of actively targeting hematopoietic stem cells is introduced.A Tau-based method for the treatment of liver fibrosis is proposed based on the formulation of common liposomes(lecithin plus cholesterol).

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