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Multi-objective Optimization Design and Experimental Investigation of Centrifugal Fan Performance

Multi-objective Optimization Design and Experimental Investigation of Centrifugal Fan Performance

作     者:ZHANG Lei WANG Songling HU Chenxing ZHANG Qian 

作者机构:Key Laboratory of Condition Monitoring and Control for Power Plant Equipment of Ministry of EducationNorth China Electric Power University 

出 版 物:《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》 (中国机械工程学报(英文版))

年 卷 期:2013年第26卷第6期

页      面:1267-1276页


学科分类:080802[工学-电力系统及其自动化] 0808[工学-电气工程] 08[工学] 

基  金:supported by Hebei Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.E2012502016) Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities,China(Grant No.12QN39) PhD Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China(Grant No.20110036110009) 

主  题:centrifugal fan impeller structural parameters optimization experimental investigation 

摘      要:Current studies of fan performance optimization mainly focus on two aspects: one is to improve the blade profile, and another is only to consider the influence of single impeller structural parameter on fan performance. However, there are few studies on the comprehensive effect of the key parameters such as blade number, exit stagger angle of blade and the impeller outlet width on the fan performance. The G4-73 backward centrifugal fan widely used in power plants is selected as the research object. Based on orthogonal design and BP neural network, a model for predicting the centrifugal fan performance parameters is established, and the maximum relative errors of the total pressure and efficiency are 0.974% and 0.333%, respectively. Multi-objective optimization of total pressure and efficiency of the fan is conducted with genetic algorithm, and the optimum combination of impeller structural parameters is proposed. The optimized parameters of blade number, exit stagger angle of blade and the impeller outlet width are seperately 14, 43.9~, and 21 cm. The experiments on centrifugal fan performance and noise are conducted before and after the installation of the new impeller The experimental results show that with the new impeller, the total pressure of fan increases significantly in total range of the flow rate, and the fan efficiency is improved when the relative flow is above 75%, also the high efficiency area is broadened. Additionally, in 65% -100% relative flow, the fan noise is reduced. Under the design operating condition, total pressure and efficiency of the fan are improved by 6.91% and 0.5%, respectively. This research sheds light on the considering of comprehensive effect of impeller structrual parameters on fan performance, and a new impeller can be designed to satisfy the engineering demand such as energy-saving, noise reduction or solving air pressure insufficiency for power plants.

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