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Geochemical characteristics of Guizhou Permian coal measure strata and analysis of the control factors

Geochemical characteristics of Guizhou Permian coal measure strata and analysis of the control factors

作     者:YANG Rui-dong LIU Ling WEI Huai-rui CUl Yu-chao CHENG Wei 

作者机构:College of Resources and Environment Guizhou University Guiyang 550025 China Guizhou Nonferrous Metal Geological Exploration Bureau Guiyang 550001 China Shangdong Coal Geological Exploration Bureau Taian 271000 China 

出 版 物:《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 (煤炭学报(英文版))

年 卷 期:2011年第17卷第1期

页      面:55-68页

学科分类:070902[理学-地球化学] 081803[工学-地质工程] 0709[理学-地质学] 07[理学] 08[工学] 0818[工学-地质资源与地质工程] 

基  金:Doctor Discipline Foundation of Guizhou University, (KST2009001) Mineral Devolvement Foundation of Shangdong Coal Geological Exploration Bureau, (KT2010-013) 

主  题:element geochemistry sedimentary environment major exploitable coal measures Permian Western Guizhou 

摘      要:Based on element geochemical studies of the main Permian exploitable coal measure strata in Western Guizhou, the element geochemical distribution characteristics of the main exploitable coal measures were revealed in the regions of Dafang, Qianxi, Weining, Hezhang, Zhijin, etc., of Guizhou Province, and the results show that their element contents are mainly affected by terrestrial material supply. Coal measures formed in the delta plain environment where sufficient terrestrial materials are supplied contain relatively abundant trace elements and rare-earth elements, whereas those formed in the tidal-fiat environment influenced greatly by seawater have relatively low contents of trace elements and rare-earth elements, mainly con- trolled by the geological fact that basalts the parent rocks from source regions contain high trace elements and rare-earth elements. In addition, coal measures affected by later hydrothermal activities and fault tectonics contain a large amount of harmful elements. According to the rules of distribution of elements in coal measures, a new idea was put forward to classify coal-forming environments by using the geochemical composition characteristics, which is of great significance in dissolving the problem of whether coal measures were fbrmed either in delta environments or in tidal-flat environments in Western Gui- zhou. At the same time, the rules of distribution of elements in the main exploitable coal measures in Western Guizhou were fully understood, which is of direct significance in utilizing coal resources on the basis of classification of coals, as well as in developing the coal chemical industry.

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