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Nonstationary channel model of reentry plasma sheath for spacecraft: Overview, parameter estimation, and perspective

作     者:Lei SHI Zongyuan LIU Weimin BAO Bo YAO Yifan WANG Xiaoping LI Yanming LIU Fangyan LI Lei SHI;Zongyuan LIU;Weimin BAO;Bo YAO;Yifan WANG;Xiaoping LI;Yanming LIU;Fangyan LI

作者机构:School of Aerospace Science and TechnologyXidian UniversityXi’an 710126China Key Laboratory of Equipment Efficiency in Extreme EnvironmentMinistry of EducationXi’an 710126China China Aerospace Science and Technology CorporationBeijing 100048China 

出 版 物:《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》 (中国航空学报(英文版))

年 卷 期:2024年第37卷第10期

页      面:26-49页


学科分类:08[工学] 0825[工学-航空宇航科学与技术] 

基  金:supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.62371375,62371372,62101406 and 62001340) Innovation Capability Support Program of Shaanxi,China(No.2022TD-37) the Fundamental Research Funds for Central Universities,China(Nos.XJS221302 and QTZX23060) 

主  题:Spacecraft Plasma sheaths Electromagnetic wave transmission Communication channels Channel estimation 

摘      要:The Tracking,Telemetering,and Command(TT&C)communication of spacecraft faces severe limitations during *** Electromagnetic(EM)propagation channel is influenced by changes in the flight state and fluid *** addition to the high-speed spatial channel,the Plasma Sheath Channel(PSC),which covers the surface of spacecraft,exhibits unique nonstationary and highly dynamic time-varying *** absence of a channel model for the reentry process of spacecraft negatively impacts the quality evaluation and system design of TT&C *** paper summarizes the methods for nonstationary PSC modeling,involving calculation methods for attenuation and phase shift in the channel,as well as a multistate nonstationary channel statistical model based on a hidden Markov ***,the correlation between amplitude variation and phase variation with electron density is *** paper also provides statistical characteristics of the channel and channel parameters at typical frequencies in the S/C/X/Ka *** findings serve as a reference for the design and evaluation of TT&C communication systems for reentry ***,the paper discusses the prospects of various aspects related to the channel characteristics and modeling of spacecraft PSCs in the shortwave and terahertz/laser bands,as well as the potential challenges in cross-domain spacecraft channel sensing and prediction.

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