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Diet of Chinese skink, Eumeces chinensis: is prey size important?

作     者:Xiaolin CHEN Yong JIANG 

作者机构:School of Life SciencesXiamen UniversityXiamenChina 

出 版 物:《Integrative Zoology》 (整合动物学(英文版))

年 卷 期:2006年第1卷第2期

页      面:59-66页


学科分类:07[理学] 0701[理学-数学] 070101[理学-基础数学] 

基  金:Fujian Foundation Council of the People's Republic of China [D0510001] 

主  题:diet Eumeces feeding ecology foraging strategy prey size skink 

摘      要:The diet of the skink,Eumeces chinensis(Lacertilia:Scincidae),in Xiamen(Amoy),China was examined using stomach analysis during April and May,and its selection of prey size was tested by feeding ***(primarily Coleoptera,Lepidoptera,and Orthoptera),gastropods and arachnids constituted most of the *** diet,but earthworms,leeches,crustaceans and fish were also *** the field,male skinks ate more prey items that were 11–20 mm in length than other size *** presented with a choice of different-sized prey in the laboratory,male *** exhibited a strong preference for prey items 11–20 mm in length over other size *** relationship between prey size and handling time was exponential,indicating that there is an upper limit to the ability of *** to process *** energy intake for handling different-sized prey showed that selection of midsize-class prey items would provide male *** with the most energy-efficient prey *** results indicate that prey size selection in *** favors maximization of rates of energy intake,which is in agreement with optimal foraging theory.

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