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Image Hiding with High Robustness Based on Dynamic Region Attention in the Wavelet Domain

作     者:Zengxiang Li Yongchong Wu Alanoud Al Mazroa Donghua Jiang Jianhua Wu Xishun Zhu 

作者机构:Department of Information EngineeringGongqing CollegeNanchang UniversityJiujiang332020China School of Information EngineeringGongqing Institute of Science and TechnologyJiujiang332020China Department of Information SystemsCollege of Computer and Information SciencesPrincess Nourah bint Abdulrahman UniversityRiyadh11671Saudi Arabia School of Computer Science and EngineeringSun Yat-sen UniversityGuangzhou511400China School of Information EngineeringNanchang UniversityNanchang330031China School of Mathematics and StatisticsHainan Normal UniversityHaikou571158China 

出 版 物:《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 (工程与科学中的计算机建模(英文))

年 卷 期:2024年第141卷第10期

页      面:847-869页


学科分类:08[工学] 080203[工学-机械设计及理论] 0802[工学-机械工程] 

基  金:partly supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Jianhua Wu Grant No.62041106) 

主  题:Image hiding robustness wavelet transform dynamic region attention 

摘      要:Hidden capacity,concealment,security,and robustness are essential indicators of hiding ***,hiding algorithms tend to focus on algorithmic capacity,concealment,and security but often overlook the robustness of the *** practical applications,the container can suffer from damage caused by noise,cropping,and other attacks during transmission,resulting in challenging or even impossible complete recovery of the secret *** image hiding algorithm based on dynamic region attention in the multi-scale wavelet domain is proposed to address this issue and enhance the robustness of hiding *** this proposed algorithm,a secret image of size 256×256 is first decomposed using an eight-level Haar wavelet *** wavelet transform generates one coefficient in the approximation component and twenty-four detail bands,which are then embedded into the carrier image via a hiding *** the recovery process,the container image is divided into four non-overlapping parts,each employed to reconstruct a low-resolution secret *** lowresolution secret images are combined using densemodules to obtain a high-quality secret *** experimental results showed that even under destructive attacks on the container image,the proposed algorithm is successful in recovering a high-quality secret image,indicating that the algorithm exhibits a high degree of robustness against various *** proposed algorithm effectively addresses the robustness issue by incorporating both spatial and channel attention mechanisms in the multi-scale wavelet domain,making it suitable for practical *** conclusion,the image hiding algorithm introduced in this study offers significant improvements in robustness compared to existing *** ability to recover high-quality secret images even in the presence of destructive attacksmakes it an attractive option for various *** research and experimentation can explore the algorith

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