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Research on the Encapsulation Device for Lunar Samples

作     者:Yonggang Du Chunyong Wang Haoling Li Ying Zhou Ming Ji Xuesong Wang Yonggang Du;Chunyong Wang;Haoling Li;Ying Zhou;Ming Ji;Xuesong Wang

作者机构:Lanzhou Institute of PhysicsCASTLanzhou 730000China 

出 版 物:《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》 (中国机械工程学报(英文版))

年 卷 期:2024年第37卷第3期

页      面:104-117页


学科分类:07[理学] 08[工学] 070401[理学-天体物理] 082503[工学-航空宇航制造工程] 0704[理学-天文学] 0825[工学-航空宇航科学与技术] 

基  金:Supported by Research Foundation of CLEP of China (Grant No.TY3Q20110003) 

主  题:Lunar samples Encapsulation Vacuum seal Mechanism 

摘      要:The encapsulation of lunar samples is a core research area in the third phase of the Chinese Lunar Exploration *** seal assembly,opening and closing mechanism(OCM),and locking mechanism are the core components of the encapsulation device of the lunar samples,and the requirements of a tight seal,lightweight,and low power make the design of these core components *** this study,a combined sealing assembly,OCM,and locking mechanism were investigated for the *** sealing architecture consists of rubber and an Ag-In alloy,and a theory was built to analyze the *** of the electroplate Au coating on the knife-edge revealed that the hermetic seal can be significantly *** driving principle for coaxial double-helical pairs was investigated and used to design the ***,a locking mechanism was created using an electric initiating explosive device with orifice *** optimizing the design,the output parameters were adjusted to meet the requirements of the lunar *** experimental results showed that the helium leak rate of the test pieces were not more than 5×10^(-11) Pa·m^(3)·s^(-1),the minimum power of the OCM was 0.3 W,and the total weight of the principle prototype was 2.9 *** explosive driven locking mechanism has low *** investigation solved the difficulties in achieving tight seal,light weight,and low power for the lunar explorer,and the results can also be used to explore other extraterrestrial objects in the future.

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