Habitat and food preferences of European rabbits in core and edge populations along the invasion front PatagoniaMonte,Argentina
作者机构:Ecología de Mamíferos de Tierras SecasIADIZACCT-Mendoza CONICETAv.Ruiz Leal s/nParque General San MartínMendoza 5500MendozaArgentina Laboratorio de FilogeografíaTaxonomía Integrativa y Ecología(LFTIE)IADIZACCT-Mendoza CONICETAv.Ruiz Leal s/nParque General San MartínMendoza 5500MendozaArgentina Center of Applied Ecology and Sustainability(CAPES)Pontifcia Universidad Católica de ChileAv.Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins 340Santiago 8320000Región MetropolitanaChile
出 版 物:《Current Zoology》 (动物学报(英文版))
年 卷 期:2024年第70卷第3期
页 面:310-319页
学科分类:0710[理学-生物学] 07[理学] 071002[理学-动物学]
基 金:This work was supported by the Rufford Foundation(21499-1) Sociedad Argentina para el Estudio de los Mamiferos(Osvaldo Reig Postgraduate Award 2018) Agencia Nacional de Promocion Cientifica y Tecnologica(PICT 4504/2017) ANID PIA/BASAL FB0002
主 题:Arid ecosystems invasive species novel environments range invasion spatial use trophic use
摘 要:The European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus is an exotic herbivorous mammal undergoing an active phase of geographical expansion in the arid ecosystems of *** Adaptive Flexibility Hypothesis states that populations at the range edge(new populations)will exhibit greater fexibility in the use of resources compared with populations located in the range core(older populations).The objective of this work was to compare the rabbit’s use of spatial and trophic resources in relation to the establishment time of their *** sampling was carried out for 2 years(2017 and 2018)in sites with different establishment times for rabbit *** sampling stratifed by type of habitat was applied using 115 fxed strip transects of 1,000 m^(2) laid out across the study *** rabbit signs were recorded in each transect,and environmental and anthropic variables were *** results show that the individuals from the range edge are more selective in the use of habitat than those from the range *** the microhabitat level,we observed a pattern in the particular components of habitat use by rabbits mainly linked to food availability and proximity to *** a trophic perspective,rabbits could show fexible adjustment to novel conditions and environments in the range *** variability in resource use by the European rabbit confrms its ecological fexibility,pivotal for their advance toward new environments in Argentina.