



文献详情 >电沉积Mo和Mo-Co合金纳米线用于互联电阻的电阻率改性 收藏


Electrical Resistivity Modification of Electrodeposited Mo and Mo-Co Nanowires for Interconnect Applications

作     者:Jun Hwan Moon Taesoon Kim Youngmin Lee Seunghyun Kim Yanghee Kim Jae-Pyoung Ahn Jungwoo Choi Hyuck Mo Lee Young Keun Kim Jun Hwan Moon;Taesoon Kim;Youngmin Lee;Seunghyun Kim;Yanghee Kim;Jae-Pyoung Ahn;Jungwoo Choi;Hyuck Mo Lee;Young Keun Kim

作者机构:Department of Materials Science and EngineeringKorea UniversitySeoul 02841Republic of Korea Department of Materials Science and EngineeringKorea Advanced Institute of Science and EngineeringDaejeon 34141Republic of Korea Advanced Analysis CenterKorea Institute of Science and TechnologySeoul 02792Republic of Korea Research Resources DivisionKorea Institute of Science and TechnologySeoul 02792Republic of Korea 

出 版 物:《Engineering》 (工程(英文))

年 卷 期:2024年第32卷第1期

页      面:127-137页


学科分类:080903[工学-微电子学与固体电子学] 0809[工学-电子科学与技术(可授工学、理学学位)] 08[工学] 

基  金:supported by the Basic Science Research Program of the National Research Foundation of Korea funded by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea(2021R1A6A3A13046504) the Ministry of Science and ICT of the Republic of Korea(2022M3H4A1A04096339 and 2020M3F3A2A01081585) the Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd.(IO210317-08500-01) 

主  题:Molybdenum Molybdenum-cobalt Interconnect Microstructure Electrodeposition Density functional theory 

摘      要:Achieving historically anticipated improvement in the performance of integrated circuits is challenging,due to the increasing cost and complexity of the required technologies with each new *** overcome this limitation,the exploration and development of novel interconnect materials and processes are highly desirable in the microelectronics ***(Mo)is attracting attention as an advanced interconnect material due to its small resistivity size effect and high cohesive energy;however,effective processing methods for such materials have not been widely ***,we investigate the electrochemical behavior of ions in the confined nanopores that affect the electrical properties and microstructures of nanoscale Mo and Mo-Co alloys prepared via template-assisted *** in an electrolyte allow the deposition of extremely pure metal materials,due to their interac-tion with metal ions and *** this study,boric acid and tetrabutylammonium bisulfate(TBA)were added to an acetate bath to inhibit the hydrogen evolution *** accelerated the reduction of Mo at the surface by inducing surface conduction on the *** Mo nanowires with a 130 nm diameter synthesized through high-aspect-ratio nanopore engineering exhibited a resistivity of(63.0±17.9)μΩ*** also evaluated the resistivities of Mo-Co alloy nanowires at various compo-sitions toward replacing irreducible conventional barrier/liner *** intermetallic compound formed at a Mo composition of 28.6 at%,the resistivity of the Mo-Co nanowire was(58.0±10.6)μΩcm,indicat-ing its superior electrical and adhesive properties in comparison with those of conventional barriers such as TaN and ***,density functional theory and non-equilibrium Green s function calcula-tions confirmed that the vertical resistance of the via structure constructed from Mo-based materials was 21%lower than that of a conventional Cu/Ta/TaN structure.

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