Study on the effect of Fresh Air Ventilation system for reducing indoor ^(222)Rn
Study on the effect of Fresh Air Ventilation system for reducing indoor 222Rn作者机构:Key Laboratory of Radiological Protection and Nuclear EmergencyNational Institute for Radiological ProtectionChinese Center for Disease Control and PreventionBeijing 100088China National Center for Occupational Safety and HealthNHCBeijing 102308China
出 版 物:《Radiation Medicine and Protection》 (放射医学与防护(英文))
年 卷 期:2024年第5卷第1期
页 面:49-52页
学科分类:0831[工学-生物医学工程(可授工学、理学、医学学位)] 100207[医学-影像医学与核医学] 1006[医学-中西医结合] 1002[医学-临床医学] 1001[医学-基础医学(可授医学、理学学位)] 08[工学] 1010[医学-医学技术(可授医学、理学学位)] 100106[医学-放射医学] 100602[医学-中西医结合临床] 10[医学]
基 金:Anhui Prevention and Treatment Center for Occupational Diseases
主 题:FAVS Rn Decay product Air exchange rate
摘 要:Objective:To explore the reduction effect for the indoor ^(222)Rn(Rn)by Fresh Air Ventilation(FAV)system,a novel commercial ventilation device in ***:The indoor concentrations of Rn and its decay products(RnD)in three residential rooms,two in Beijing and one in Hefei city,Anhui province,before and after FAVS functioned were measured using an active continuous *** air exchange rate was monitored by measuring CO_(2) concentration using the tracer gas ***:In the three rooms,the FAVS reduced the Rn concentrations from(162±80)Bq/m^(3) to(63±22)Bq/m^(3) and decreased the RnD concentrations from(64±35)Bq/m^(3) to(13±6)Bq/m^(3) on average,a decrease of(59±25)% in the Rn concentrations and a drop of(77±18)%in the RnD *** dose conversion factors of Rn and RnD,FAVS decreased the exposure dose by(76±20)%.Besides,FAVS increased the air exchange rates from 0.17 h^(-1) to 0.56 h^(-1) on ***:FAVS can effectively reduce indoor Rn and RnD concentrations by improving the air exchange,serving as a valuable supplement to existing radon mitigation methods,especially in extreme climates.