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Added Benefit of the Early-Morning-Orbit Satellite Fengyun-3E on the Global Microwave Sounding of the Three-Orbit Constellation

作     者:Juan LI Zhengkun QIN Guiqing LIU Jing HUANG Juan LI;Zhengkun QIN;Guiqing LIU;Jing HUANG

作者机构:CMA Earth System Modeling and Prediction CentreBeijing 100081China State Key Laboratory of Severe WeatherChinese Academy of Meteorological SciencesBeijing 100081China Joint Center for Data Assimilation Research and ApplicationsSchool of Atmospheric SciencesNanjing University of Information Science&TechnologyNanjing 210044China 

出 版 物:《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 (大气科学进展(英文版))

年 卷 期:2024年第41卷第1期

页      面:39-52页


学科分类:04[教育学] 0706[理学-大气科学] 

基  金:jointly supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China(Grant No.2022YFC3004002) the Fengyun Application Pioneering Project(FY-APP-2021.0201) FY-3 Meteorological Satellite Ground Application System Project[FY-3(03)-AS-11.08]。 

主  题:data assimilation microwave temperature sounder MWTS-3 

摘      要:The three-orbit constellation can comprehensively increase the spatial coverage of polar-orbiting satellites,but the polar-orbiting satellites currently in operation are only mid-morning-orbit and afternoon-orbit satellites.Fengyun-3E(FY-3E)was launched successfully on 5 July 2021 in China.As an early-morning-orbit satellite,FY-3E can help form a complete three-orbit observation system together with the mid-morning and afternoon satellites in the current mainstream operational system.In this study,we investigate the added benefit of FY-3E microwave sounding observations to the midmorning-orbit Meteorological Operational satellite-B(Met Op-B)and afternoon-orbit Fengyun-3D(FY-3D)microwave observations in the Chinese Meteorological Administration global forecast system(CMA-GFS).The results show that the additional FY-3E microwave temperature sounder-3(MWTS-3)and microwave humidity sounder-2(MWHS-2)data can increase the global coverage of microwave temperature and humidity sounding data by 14.8% and 10.6%,respectively.It enables the CMA-GFS to achieve nearly 100% global coverage of microwave-sounding observations at each analysis time.Furthermore,after effective quality control and bias correction,the global biases and standard deviations of the differences between observations and model simulations are also reduced.Based on the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit A and the Microwave Humidity Sounder onboard Met Op-B,and the MWTS-2 and MWHS-2 onboard FY-3D,adding the microwave sounding data of FY-3E can further reduce the errors of analysis results and improve the global prediction skills of CMA-GFS,especially for the southern-hemisphere forecasts within 96 hours,all of which are significant at the 95% confidence level.

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