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Research on Multi-Blockchain Electronic Archives Sharing Model

作     者:Fang Yu Wenbin Bi Ning Cao Jun Luo Diantang An Liqiang Ding Russell Higgs 

作者机构:School of Information EngineeringQingdao Binhai UniversityQingdao266555China School of Computer and SoftwareDalian Neusoft University of InformationDalian116023China School of Internet of Things and Software TechnologyWuxi Vocational College of Science and TechnologyWuxi214028China Archives Management DepartmentQingdaoWest Coast New Area ArchivesQingdao266427China Editorial Research DepartmentQingdaoWest Coast New Area ArchivesQingdao266427China School of Mathematics and StatisticsUniversity College DublinDublinIreland 

出 版 物:《Computers, Materials & Continua》 (计算机、材料和连续体(英文))

年 卷 期:2023年第76卷第9期

页      面:3921-3931页


学科分类:12[管理学] 1201[管理学-管理科学与工程(可授管理学、工学学位)] 081104[工学-模式识别与智能系统] 08[工学] 0835[工学-软件工程] 0811[工学-控制科学与工程] 0812[工学-计算机科学与技术(可授工学、理学学位)] 

基  金:supported by Shandong Social Science Planning and Research Project in 2021(No.21CPYJ40) 

主  题:Sharing and utilization of electronic archives dynamic permission management PSO-RBF neural network credit evaluation 

摘      要:The purpose of introducing blockchain into electronic archives sharing and utilization is to break the information barrier between electronic archives sharing departments by relying on technologies such as smart contract and asymmetric *** at the problem of dynamic permission management in common access control methods,a new access control method based on smart contract under blockchain is proposed,which improves the intelligence level under blockchain ***,the Internet attribute access control model based on smart contract is *** the dynamic access of heterogeneous devices,the management contract,permission judgment contract and access control contract are designed;Secondly,the access object credit evaluation algorithm based on particle swarm optimization radial basis function(PSO-RBF)neural network is used to dynamically generate the access node credit threshold combined with the access policy,so as to realize the intelligent access right management ***,combined with the abovemodels and algorithms,the workflow of electronic archives sharing and utilization model of multi blockchain is *** experimental results show that the timeconsuming of the process increases linearly with the number of continuous access to electronic archives blocks,and the secure access control of sharing and utilization is feasible,secure and effective.

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