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An Overview of Industrial Source Discharges into Water in the Albanian Territory

作     者:Joana Gjipalaj Kleant Semema Ledia Aleksi EntelaÇobani 

作者机构:Department of Environmental EngineeringFaculty of Civil EngineeringPolytechnic University of TiranaRruga“Muhamet Gjollesha”No.54TiranaAlbania 

出 版 物:《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 (环境科学与工程(A))

年 卷 期:2023年第12卷第3期

页      面:81-84页

学科分类:0202[经济学-应用经济学] 02[经济学] 020205[经济学-产业经济学] 

主  题:Industrial discharge water active environmental permits Albania 

摘      要:Direct and indirect discharges are released in the environment by many economic entities which operate in the territory of *** installations release many substances from separated sources or widespread,affecting the environmental quality and often causing *** economic entity that discharges substances in the environment is equipped with an environmental permit which is granted according to a system composed by two categories,A and *** Albanian citizen has the right guaranteed by the constitution to collect information regarding the city or country environmental conditions by this ***,this system provides data regarding the state of the environment,polluting activity,different chemical components discharged,*** purpose of this study is to identify different sources of industrial discharge into water bodies,aiming to provide information that can be useful for the environmental protection,its preservation and improvement,the prevention and reduction of risks related to human and animal health and the improvement of the life *** gained from the identification of economic entities equipped with an active environmental permit type A and B showed the various sources of waste discharges in the Albanian *** study was conducted using the QKB(National Business Center)database for a period of eight years from 2014 to *** show that an increase of technical unit discharging substances into water has increased over years due to a major number of installations of polluting economic entities in the country territory.

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