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Contribution of Ambient Air Pollution on Risk Assessment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus via Explainable Machine Learning

作     者:DING Zhong Ao ZHANG Li Ying LI Rui Ying NIU Miao Miao ZHAO Bo DONG Xiao Kang LIU Xiao Tian HOU Jian MAO Zhen Xing WANG Chong Jian DING Zhong Ao;ZHANG Li Ying;LI Rui Ying;NIU Miao Miao;ZHAO Bo;DONG Xiao Kang;LIU Xiao Tian;HOU Jian;MAO Zhen Xing;WANG Chong Jian

作者机构:Department of Epidemiology and BiostatisticsCollege of Public HealthZhengzhou UniversityZhengzhou 450001HenanChina Department of Software EngineeringSchool of Computer and Artificial IntelligenceZhengzhou UniversityZhengzhou 450001HenanChina Department of StatisticsUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignChampaignU.S.A NHC Key Laboratory of Prevention and Treatment of Cerebrovascular DiseasesZhengzhou 450001HenanChina 

出 版 物:《Biomedical and Environmental Sciences》 (生物医学与环境科学(英文版))

年 卷 期:2023年第36卷第6期

页      面:557-560页


学科分类:1002[医学-临床医学] 07[理学] 070602[理学-大气物理学与大气环境] 100201[医学-内科学(含:心血管病、血液病、呼吸系病、消化系病、内分泌与代谢病、肾病、风湿病、传染病)] 0706[理学-大气科学] 10[医学] 

基  金:supported by the Science and Technology Innovation Team Support Plan of Colleges and Universities in Henan Province[Grant NO:21IRTSTHN029] Foundation of National Key Program of Research and Development of China[Grant NO:2016YFC0900803] Key Research Program of Colleges and Universities in Henan Province[Grant NO:21A330007] Discipline Key Research and Development Program of Zhengzhou University[Grant NO:XKZDQY202008,XKZDQY202002] 

主  题:T2DM Diabetes diabetes 

摘      要:Type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM)is recognized as a heterogeneous and complicated disease that is able to influence individuals at various life stages[1].Apart from traditional predictors such as age,family history of diabetes,body mass index,and so on,ambient air pollution is also shown to increase the risk of T2DM in previous studies.

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