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Analysis of a Strong-Inhibition Polyamine Drilling Fluid

作     者:Yu Fan Jianhua Guo Xihui Hu Rui Wang Weiqiang Xu 

作者机构:Engineering Technology Research InstitutePetro China Southwest Oil&Gas Field CompanyChengdu610000China 

出 版 物:《Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing》 (流体力学与材料加工(英文))

年 卷 期:2023年第19卷第9期

页      面:2431-2447页


学科分类:0820[工学-石油与天然气工程] 082001[工学-油气井工程] 08[工学] 

基  金:The authors received no specific funding for this study. 

主  题:High performance polyamine strong inhibition adhesion sticking wellbore stability 

摘      要:Drilling technologies based on oil-based drillingfluids and strong inhibitory saltwaterfluids are affected by draw-backs such as downhole accidents where sticking and wellbore instabilities occur.Existing polyamine drillingfluids also exhibit problems such as easy decomposition and poor inhibition performances.In order to mitigate these issues,additives can be used,such as polyamine inhibitors and the synthesis of nanometerfiltrate reducers.Tests conducted in the frame of this study with a polyamine drillingfluid and such additives show that thisfluid has the same inhibitory,plugging,lubricating,and wellbore-stability performances as oil-based drillingfluids.However,it has long-term anti-wear performances even better than those of oil-based drillingfluids.The out-comes of a series of comparisons with other sample cases(other wells)are reported and the advantages related to the proposedfluid discussed in detail.

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