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An Analysis of the Current State of Civil Society Participation in Ensuring the National Security of Mongolia

作     者:Khatanbold Oidov Nergui Bayartogtokh 

作者机构:Mongolian Academy of SciencesUlaanbaatarMongolia National University of Defense of MongoliaUlaanbaatarMongolia 

出 版 物:《International Relations and Diplomacy》 (国际关系与外交(英文版))

年 卷 期:2023年第11卷第1期

页      面:24-41页

学科分类:081406[工学-桥梁与隧道工程] 08[工学] 0814[工学-土木工程] 082301[工学-道路与铁道工程] 0823[工学-交通运输工程] 

主  题:national security civil society democracy Mongolia defense and political science reforms and changes in the society 

摘      要:In this article, the researchers tried to evaluate the contribution of civil society to Mongolian democracy and the problems faced by civil society. In addition, the article aimed to determine the unique national criteria of Mongolian democracy and the need to create an organization to monitor the process of democracy. The process of identifying important documents and ideals for the development of Mongolian civil society today is still in its early stages. It can be said that the approval of the democratic constitution and the first free and fair parliamentary elections as a country that has newly and restored democracy became another impetus for the creation of a new type of citizen organization. It is characterized by trying to study the changes that have occurred since this historical period at the intersection of political science and security studies. One of the most important issues today is to find out how many non-governmental and civil society organizations exist in Mongolia today, which are Western-oriented, focused on specific issues, have their own position and opinion, are specialized, and are capable of influencing government policy. On the other hand, in this article, we emphasize whether non-governmental and civil society organizations, which aim to hold the government accountable, and carry out influence and control activities, are fully developed.

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