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Thinking outside the black box:are the brain endothelial cells the new main target in Alzheimer's disease?

作     者:Enrique Estudillo Adolfo López-Ornelas Alejandro Rodríguez-Oviedo Neptali Gutiérrez de la Cruz Marco Antonio Vargas-Hernández Adriana Jiménez Enrique Estudillo;Adolfo López-Ornelas;Alejandro Rodríguez-Oviedo;Neptali Gutiérrez de la Cruz;Marco Antonio Vargas-Hernández;Adriana Jiménez

作者机构:Laboratorio de Reprogramación CelularInstituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía Manuel Velasco SuárezMexico CityMexico División de InvestigaciónHospital Juárez de MéxicoMexico CityMexico Hospital Nacional HomeopáticoHospitales Federales de ReferenciaMexico CityMexico Facultad de CienciasUniversidad Nacional Autónoma de MéxicoMexico CityMexico Laboratorio de MorfologíaEscuela Militar de Graduados de SanidadSecretaría de la Defensa NacionalBatalla de CelayaLomas de SoteloMiguel HidalgoMexico CityMexico Escuela Militar de Graduados de SanidadSecretaría de la Defensa NacionalBatalla de CelayaLomas de SoteloMiguel HidalgoMexico CityMexico 

出 版 物:《Neural Regeneration Research》 (中国神经再生研究(英文版))

年 卷 期:2023年第18卷第12期

页      面:2592-2598页


学科分类:0710[理学-生物学] 1002[医学-临床医学] 1001[医学-基础医学(可授医学、理学学位)] 100203[医学-老年医学] 10[医学] 

基  金:Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México  UNAM 

主  题:dementia endothelial cells neurodegeneration neuroinflammation neuronal death paracellular transport transcellular transport 

摘      要:The blood-brain barrier is the interface through which the brain interacts with the milieu and consists mainly of a sophisticated network of brain endothelial cells that forms blood vessels and selectively moves molecules inside and outside the brain through multiple mechanisms of transport.Although brain endothelial cell function is crucial for brain homeostasis,their role in neurodegenerative diseases has historically not been considered with the same importance as other brain cells such as microglia,astroglia,neurons,or even molecules such as amyloid beta,Tau,or alpha-synuclein.Alzheimer s disease is the most common neurodegenerative disease,and brain endothelial cell dysfunction has been reported by several groups.However,its impairment has barely been considered as a potential therapeutic target.Here we review the most recent advances in the relationship between Alzheimer s disease and brain endothelial cells commitment and analyze the possible mechanisms through which their alterations contribute to this neurodegenerative disease,highlighting their inflammatory phenotype and the possibility of an impaired secretory pattern of brain endothelial cells that could contribute to the progression of this ailment.Finally,we discuss why shall brain endothelial cells be appreciated as a therapeutic target instead of solely an obstacle for delivering treatments to the injured brain in Alzheimer s disease.

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