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Fabric characteristics of in situ sand with/without liquefaction verified by anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility

作     者:Xueqian Ni Junnan Ma Hide Sakaguchi Feng Zhang Xueqian Ni;Junnan Ma;Hide Sakaguchi;Feng Zhang

作者机构:School of Civil EngineeringCentral South UniversityChangsha410075China Department of Civil EngineeringNagoya Institute of TechnologyNagoya466-8555Japan Ocean Policy Research InstituteThe Sasakawa Peace FoundationTokyo105-8524Japan 

出 版 物:《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》 (岩石力学与岩土工程学报(英文版))

年 卷 期:2023年第15卷第5期

页      面:1274-1283页


学科分类:08[工学] 080104[工学-工程力学] 0815[工学-水利工程] 0801[工学-力学(可授工学、理学学位)] 

基  金:supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China(Grant No.52208379) which is deeply appreciated.This research was partially supported by the Grant-in-Aid Scientific Research(B)(Grant No.17H03304) Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS),which is also deeply appreciated.This work was also supported by the Key Laboratory of Geotechnical and Underground Engineering of Ministry of Education,Tongji University,China(Grant No.KLE-TJGE-B2103) 

主  题:Sand liquefaction Soil fabric Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility(AMS) Geotechnical seismic engineering 

摘      要:It is well known that fabric of sand may significantly affect mechanical behaviors and liquefaction resistance of *** optical techniques are currently utilized to visualize the fabric,especially the distribution of the long axis of soil ***,none of these methods provides an ideal solution in laboratory tests and in situ *** this study,anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility(AMS)was first proposed as a convenient and efficient way to evaluate the liquefaction of clean *** first,investigations with scanning electron microscopy(SEM)and AMS were simultaneously conducted on two groups of soil specimens with different initial fabrics to verify the feasibility of the AMS ***,80 in situ samples were collected to analyze the feature of liquefied and non-liquefied sand layers through AMS *** is clearly known from the test results that the natural sedimentary fabric was destroyed during liquefaction and the fabric anisotropy was greatly changed after *** feasibility of evaluating soil fabric using the AMS survey was verified by the laboratory ***,the applicability of AMS in detecting liquefied layer in situ was confirmed for the first time.

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