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An overview of research efforts to understand the effects of underwater sound on cetaceans

作     者:Shane Guan Tiffini Brookens 

作者机构:Bureau of Ocean Energy ManagementEnvironmental Studies ProgramUSA Marine Mammal CommissionUSA The Catholic University of AmericaUSA 

出 版 物:《Water Biology and Security》 (水生生物与安全(英文))

年 卷 期:2023年第2卷第2期

页      面:1-12页

学科分类:0710[理学-生物学] 0830[工学-环境科学与工程(可授工学、理学、农学学位)] 07[理学] 0908[农学-水产] 070206[理学-声学] 0702[理学-物理学] 

基  金:CEEs off Cape Hatteras Fjord & Bælt Centre in Kerteminde Harstad and Tromsø in Norway Hawai'i Institute of Marine Biology off Coconut Island in Kaneohe Bay Institute of Hydrobiology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, (MED-09) LMR Lovelace Foundation Minerals Management Service National Marine Mammal Foundation Netherlands Ministry of Defence Norwegian Ministry of Defence Offshore Oil and Gas Operations on Marine Mammals Sea Mammal Research Company U.S. Atlantic Coast U.S. Naval Sea System Command funded the Naval Surface Weapons Center Utrish Marine Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences Office of Naval Research, ONR U.S. Department of the Interior, DOI Marine Mammal Commission, MMC Columbia University U.S. Bureau of Land Management, BLM U.S. Navy, USN Massachusetts Medical Society, MMS Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, BOEM National Marine Fisheries Service, NMFS, NOAA 

主  题:Cetacean Anthropogenic sound Underwater sound exposure Behavioral disturbance Environmental impact assessment Behavioral response Noise-induced threshold shift 

摘      要:Cetaceans are aquatic mammals living in an environment that is more suited for hearing than vision.As such,their sensory systems largely utilize acoustic cues for navigation,communication,foraging,and predator avoidance.However,the elevation of underwater sound levels from increased human activities has adversely affected cetaceans’use of sound to perform vital life functions.To address those impacts,scientific studies have been conducted to understand the behavioral,psychoacoustical,physiological,and physical responses by cetaceans that have been exposed to anthropogenic sound.These studies range from captive experiments involving auditory thresholds and noise-induced threshold shifts,to field observations of behavioral disturbance from sound exposure,to post-mortem examinations of physical manifestations in stranded animals.Over the years,results from these studies have assisted regulatory agencies in developing a series of criteria and thresholds for cetacean conservation and management around the world.This paper provides a high-level overview of worldwide research efforts that have been dedicated to understanding the effects of underwater sound on cetaceans.The review is not intended to be exhaustive but rather to capture major efforts and significant findings in this field.In addition,the review excludes synthesis studies and modeling exercises that do not involve direct research on target species.

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