Extensive Pineapple Production Constraints and Land Suitability in the Centre Region of Cameroon
Extensive Pineapple Production Constraints and Land Suitability in the Centre Region of Cameroon作者机构:Department of Agriculture Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences University of Dschang Dschang Cameroon Department of Soil Science Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences University of Dschang Dschang Cameroon Sustainable Tropical Action Yaoundé Cameroon
出 版 物:《Agricultural Sciences》 (农业科学(英文))
年 卷 期:2023年第14卷第2期
页 面:240-255页
学科分类:0202[经济学-应用经济学] 02[经济学] 020205[经济学-产业经济学]
主 题:Land Suitability Constraints Pineapple Centre Cameroon
摘 要:The low level of productivity observed in pineapple fields in Centre Came-roon must be sustainably reduced in order to increase producers’ income while using the same resources. The identification and control of production constraints are key steps in optimizing the use of limited resources. To this end, the FAO land assessment methodology following the Fuzzy-MCDM pro-tocol was used for the two pineapple production basins in the Centre, namely Awae and Bokito. It was found that the land in Awae Basin is moderately suitable S2sf with constraints imposed by texture, pH and base saturation. In the Bokito Basin, 25% of the land is suitable S1wf and 75% is moderately suitable S2wsf with constraints imposed by soil texture (27%), temporary soil water saturation (99%), pH, base saturation and exchangeable sodium. Constraint correction improves the land index (potential suitability) and re-mains limited by permanent constraints that cannot be corrected. Improve-ment of the technical itinerary through modification of plant densities, selec-tion of improved cultivars and balanced fertilization must be undertaken to optimize pineapple production in Centre Cameroon.