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Quantum effects on the black hole shadow and deflection angle in the presence of plasma

作     者:Farruh Atamurotov Mubasher Jamil Kimet Jusufi 

作者机构:Inha University in TashkentZiyolilar 9Tashkent 100170Uzbekistan Akfa UniversityMilliy Bog'Street 264Tashkent 111221Uzbekistan National University of UzbekistanTashkent 100174Uzbekistan Tashkent State Technical UniversityTashkent 100095Uzbekistan School of Natural SciencesNational University of Sciences and TechnologyIslamabad44000Pakistan Physics DepartmentState University of Tetovolinden Street nn120oTetovoNorth Macedonia 

出 版 物:《Chinese Physics C》 (中国物理C(英文版))

年 卷 期:2023年第47卷第3期

页      面:262-272页


学科分类:07[理学] 070401[理学-天体物理] 0704[理学-天文学] 

基  金:supported by the following grants of the Uzbekistan Ministry for Innovative Development:Research Grant(FZ-20200929344 and F-FA-2021-510) 

主  题:black hole shadow ofa black hole deflection angle 

摘      要:In this study,the optical properties of a renormalization group improved(RGI)Schwarzschild black hole(BH)are investigated in a plasma *** with the equations of motion in a plasma medium,we aim to present the modifications in the shadow radius of the RGI *** this end,we compute the deflection angle of light in the weak gravity regime for uniform and non-uniform plasma ***,owing to the plasma media,we discover that the equations of motion for light obtained from the radiating and infalling/rest gas have to be ***,in turn,changes and modifies the expression for the intensity observed far away from the ***,we obtain the shadow images for the RGI BH for different plasma *** quantum effects change the background geometry,such effects are minimal,and practically detecting these effects using the current technology based on supermassive BH shadows is *** parameterΩencodes the quantum effects,and in principle,one expects such quantum effects to play significant roles only for very small ***,the effects of plasma media can play an important role in the optical appearance of BHs,as they affect and modify the equations of motion.

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