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Activity theory for understanding and managing system innovations

作     者:Emmanuel D.Adamides 

作者机构:Section of Management&Organisation StudiesMEADUniversity of PatrasRion26500Greece 

出 版 物:《International Journal of Innovation Studies》 (国际创新研究学报(英文))

年 卷 期:2023年第7卷第2期

页      面:127-141页

学科分类:120202[管理学-企业管理(含:财务管理、市场营销、人力资源管理)] 12[管理学] 1202[管理学-工商管理] 

主  题:System innovation Socio-technical systems Activitytheory Transitions Contradictions 

摘      要:This study aims to show how activity theory in the socio-technical systems paradigm can assist in understanding and managing system *** conceptualize sociotechnical systems to address societal needs as activity systems and system innovations as transformations of such *** result from resolving contradictions that develop due to technical and social change within and between the activities carried out by various agencies to fulfll societal *** this line,the explanation of system innovations focuses on identifying emerging contradictions,resolution initiatives,and their outcomes,whereas the governance of system innovations can be carried out by interactively developing policies through successive interventions to resolve *** demonstrate the employment of activity theory to understand the transformation of the recorded music socio-technical system towards streaming,as well as to facilitate the management of the transition of the olive oil-producing sector at the regional level towards a circular economy through the adoption of innovative waste-processing technology.

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