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A Study on the Current Situation, Problems and Responsive Measures of Building China's National Carbon Market

A Study on the Current Situation, Problems and Responsive Measures of Building China’s National Carbon Market

作     者:XIA Yingzhe FENG Chao YUAN Xiaohua 

作者机构:China Clean Development Mechanism Fund Management Center 

出 版 物:《Chinese Journal of Urban and Environmental Studies》 (城市与环境研究(英文))

年 卷 期:2022年第10卷第3期

页      面:7-16页

学科分类:02[经济学] 0202[经济学-应用经济学] 020204[经济学-金融学(含∶保险学)] 0833[工学-城乡规划学] 

主  题:Climate change carbon neutrality carbon market MRV 

摘      要:Carbon emissions trading is a major innovation in the practice of using market mechanism to control and reduce greenhouse gas(GHG) emissions and promote green and low-carbon development. It is an important way to achieve China’s carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals(the“dual carbon goals) at a relatively low cost. Starting late and having gone through three development stages, China’s national carbon market has entered a new stage. However, given the problems such as incomplete institutional, regulatory and carbon emissions verification systems,less balanced and vibrant market, limited transaction entities and trading products, and lack of voice due to insufficient participation in relevant international affairs, continuous efforts are still required to further improve this market by deepening reform, strengthening capacity building and increasing international cooperation.

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