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Adsorption Isotherm of BET Nitrogen of Concretes with Consolidated Soil by Sugar Cane Molasses

作     者:Nice Ngouallat Mfoutou Narcisse Malanda Erman Eloge Nzaba Madila Paul Louzolo-Kimbembe 

作者机构:National Upper Polytechnic SchoolMarien Ngouabi UniversityBrazzaville BP.69Congo Department of ChemistryBiochemistry and Physics and Hydrogen Research InstituteUniversity of QuebecTrois-RivièresQuébecG9A5H7Canada Upper School of EducationMarien Ngouabi UniversityBrazzaville BP.69Congo 

出 版 物:《材料科学与工程(中英文B版)》 (Journal of Materials Science and Engineering B)

年 卷 期:2022年第12卷第3期

页      面:78-96页

学科分类:081704[工学-应用化学] 07[理学] 070304[理学-物理化学(含∶化学物理)] 08[工学] 0817[工学-化学工程与技术] 0703[理学-化学] 

主  题:Isotherm adsorption BET(Brunauer Emmet and Teller)specific area clayey fine soil sugar cane molasses 

摘      要:Sugar cane molasses is often poured out on roads with soil in the city of Nkayi,Republic of Congo in order to reduce the *** physical adsorption has allowed us to collect information on the state of the accessible total area according to the quantity of sugar cane *** adsorption isotherms,the specific area,the adsorbed quantity of nitrogen on a Qm mono layer,the number of molecules constituting the adsorbed sugar cane molasses(n′)have been *** obtained results show that the quantity of sugar cane molasses in the material does not modify the adsorption isotherm of nitrogen of type IV that remains and a hysteria loop of type H4 in all samples,this justifies the monocoat-multicoat adsorption mechanism with capillary condensation and mesopores presence in the structure of *** with elaborated raw soil by clayey fine soil used are mesoporous *** of 50×1018 molecules constituting sugar cane molasses occupy the extreme area accessible to soil clay,without occupying on accessible sites.

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