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Label-free imaging of red blood cells and oxygenation with color third-order sum-frequency generation microscopy

作     者:Julia Ferrer Ortas Pierre Mahou Sophie Escoto Chiara Stringari Nicolas BDavid Laure Bally-Cuif Nicolas Dray Michel Negrerie Willy Supatto Emmanuel Beaurepaire Júlia Ferrer Ortas;Pierre Mahou;Sophie Escot;Chiara Stringari;Nicolas B.David;Laure Bally-Cuif;Nicolas Dray;Michel Négrerie;Willy Supatto;Emmanuel Beaurepaire

作者机构:Laboratory for Optics and BiosciencesCNRSINSERMEcole polytechniqueIP Paris91128 PalaiseauFrance Zebrafish Neurogenetics Unitteam supported by Ligue Nationale contre le CancerInstitut PasteurCNRS75015 ParisFrance 

出 版 物:《Light(Science & Applications)》 (光(科学与应用)(英文版))

年 卷 期:2023年第12卷第2期

页      面:168-182页


学科分类:08[工学] 0803[工学-光学工程] 

基  金:European Research Council (Horizon 2020 programme) Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) Fondation pour la Recherche Medicale (FRM) Ligue Nationale contre le Cancer 

主  题:zebra exceeding free 

摘      要:Mapping red blood cells(RBCs)flow and oxygenation is of key importance for analyzing brain and tissue *** microscopy methods are limited either in sensitivity or in spatio-temporal *** this work,we introduce a novel approach based on label-free third-order sum-frequency generation(TSFG)and third-harmonic generation(THG)***,we propose a novel experimental scheme for color TSFG microscopy,which provides simultaneous measurements at several wavelengths encompassing the Soret absorption band of *** show that there is a strong three-photon(3P)resonance related to the Soret band of hemoglobin in THG and TSFG signals from zebrafish and human RBCs,and that this resonance is sensitive to RBC oxygenation *** demonstrate that our color TSFG implementation enables specific detection of flowing RBCs in zebrafish embryos and is sensitive to RBC oxygenation dynamics with single-cell resolution and microsecond pixel ***,it can be implemented on a 3P microscope and provides label-free RBC-specific contrast at depths exceeding 600μm in live adult zebrafish *** results establish a new multiphoton contrast extending the palette of deep-tissue microscopy.

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