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Teaching Model Integrating Online and Offline in Real Time ——An Exploration of New Teaching Mode for Regular Epidemic Prevention and Control

Teaching Model Integrating Online and Offline in Real Time——An Exploration of New Teaching Mode for Regular Epidemic Prevention and Control

作     者:Ce Zhang Yongyuan Jiang Peng Liu Meng Wei Ce Zhang;Yongyuan Jiang;Peng Liu;Meng Wei

作者机构:Academic Affairs OfficeHarbin Institute of Technology(Weihai)Weihai264209China School OfficeHarbin Institute of Technology(Weihai)Weihai264209China 

出 版 物:《计算机教育》 (Computer Education)

年 卷 期:2022年第12期

页      面:106-113页

学科分类:0401[教育学-教育学] 04[教育学] 040102[教育学-课程与教学论] 

基  金:funded by the 2021 Department of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education’s Teaching and Research Projects“Research on the Construction Guidelines,Standards and Norms of Online Open Courses and the Innovation of Teaching and Service Modes”(Grant No.2021) the 2020 Research and Practice Project on the Exploration and Application Promotion of Higher Education’s Teaching Mode Based on MOOC(Grant No.2020) the 2020 Shandong Undergraduate Teaching Reform Research and Cultivation Project“Research and Practice of Hybrid Teaching Mode under the Guidance of the Construction of MOOC Teaching Pilot Colleges”(Grant No.P2020007) 2020 Shandong Provincial Undergraduate Teaching Reform Research Key Project“Research and Practice of Top-notch Innovative Talent Training Mode of Interdisciplinary and Professional Integration–Guided by the Construction of Future Technical Colleges”(Grant No.Z2020020) 2020 Shandong Provincial Undergraduate Teaching Reform Research and Cultivation Project“Research and Practice of Innovation of New Engineering Agile Education Mode Towards Sustainable Competitiveness”(Grant No.P2020027) 2020 Shandong Province Undergraduate Teaching Reform Major Sub Project“Research on the Construction of New Engineering Majors”(Grant No.T202011) 2019 Harbin Institute of Technology(Weihai)“Curriculum Ideological and Political”Special Curriculum Construction Project(Grant No.2019) 2021 Huawei’s“Smart Base”Project“Course Construction of Computer Composition Principles”(Grant No.IDEA104200302). 

主  题:Epidemic prevention and control New normal state MOOC Online and offline integrated teaching model 

摘      要:During epidemic,students in medium-risk or high-risk areas are unable to return to school on time.In response to this new challenge,there is an urgent need to create a new teaching mode to offer on-line courses to those absent from the offline classes,and we propose a model integrating online and offline teaching.It is based on“dual-cameramethod,which allows off-campus students to virtually build up a physical classroom scenario on campus through computers and mobile phones.Using this model,students can participate in class remotely.In order to enhance the engagement of off-campus online students,emphasis is placed on interactive teaching.Teachers are required to design their teaching in advance and to work in collaboration with multiple departments,then using information technology and suitable teaching methods to enable students to participate in physical classroom teaching.This model has been tested in practice and has been successful in meeting the challenges.Finally,4 areas for improvement and refinement are identified.

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