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An approach for selection of solid waste treatment and disposal methods based on fuzzy analytical hierarchy process

作     者:Amarjeet Kumar Atul Sharma Nekram Rawal 

作者机构:Department of Civil EngineeringMotilal Nehru National Institute of Technology AllahabadAllahabad211004India 

出 版 物:《Waste Disposal and Sustainable Energy》 (废弃物处置与可持续能源(英文))

年 卷 期:2022年第4卷第4期

页      面:311-322页


学科分类:0711[理学-系统科学] 083002[工学-环境工程] 0830[工学-环境科学与工程(可授工学、理学、农学学位)] 08[工学] 

主  题:Fuzzy-analytic hierarchy process Solid waste management Composting Refuse-derived fuel Incineration 

摘      要:Solid waste management is a severe challenge in India due to massive and rapid growth in waste generation rates,environmental difficulties,and financial constraints for proper treatment.Poorly managed municipal solid waste(MSW)has substantial negative consequences for society,including financial and aesthetic harm,contamination of natural resources,environmental pollution,and severe health danger.Both qualitative and quantitative factors are required to select the appropriate solid waste treatment and disposal technologies.Multi-Criteria decision-making tools helped in analyzing solid waste in terms of qualitative and quantitative factors.In this paper,seven criteria and their sub-criteria are selected for ranking solid waste treatment and disposal technology using fuzzy-analytic hierarchy process.The results showed that composting is the most suitable option for solid waste treatment and disposal technology,followed by refuse-derived fuel.The incineration and sanitary landfills are the least preferred MSW management alternatives.The sensitivity analysis reveals a high consistency,robustness,and stability level.

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