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Forward Expansiveness and Entropies for Subsystems of Z+k-actions

作     者:Yao Jia GUO Xin Sheng WANG Yu Jun ZHU Yao Jia GUO;Xin Sheng WANG;Yu Jun ZHU

作者机构:School of Mathematical Sciences Xiamen University 

出 版 物:《Acta Mathematica Sinica,English Series》 (数学学报(英文版))

年 卷 期:2023年第39卷第4期

页      面:633-662页


学科分类:07[理学] 070104[理学-应用数学] 0701[理学-数学] 

基  金:Wang and Zhu are supported by NSFC (Grant Nos. 11771118, 11801336, 12171400) Wang is also supported by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (No. 2021M691889) 

主  题: k + -action forward expansiveness j -dimensional subsystems entropy preimage entropy folding entropy variational principle random transformation 37A35 37B40 

摘      要:In this paper,forward expansiveness and entropies of subsystems2) of Z+k-actions are investigated.Let α be a Z+k-action on a compact metric space.For each 1 ≤j≤k-1,denote Gj+={V+:=V ∩R+k:V is a j-dimensional subspace of Rk}.We consider the forward expansiveness and entropies for α along V+∈ Gj+.Adapting the technique of coding,which was introduced by M.Boyle and D.Lind to investigate expansive subdynamics of Zk-actions,to the Z+kcases,we show that the set Ej+(α) of forward expansive j-dimensional V+is open in Gj+.The topological entropy and measure-theoretic entropy of j-dimensional subsystems of α are both continuous in Ej+(α),and moreover,a variational principle relating them is obtained.For a 1-dimensional ray L ∈G1+,we relate the 1-dimensional subsystem of α along L to an i.***.d.random transformation.Applying the techniques of random dynamical systems we investigate the entropy theory of 1-dimensional subsystems.In particular,we propose the notion of preimage entropy(including topological and measure-theoretical versions) via the preimage structure of α along L.We show that the preimage entropy coincides with the classical entropy along any L ∈E1+(α) for topological and measure-theoretical versions respectively.Meanwhile,a formula relating the measure-theoretical directional preimage entropy and the folding entropy of the generators is obtained.

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