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Recent Advances on Early-Stage Fire-Warning Systems: Mechanism, Performance, and Perspective

Recent Advances on Early-Stage Fire-Warning Systems:Mechanism,Performance,and Perspective

作     者:Xiaolu Li Antonio Vazquez-Lopez Jose Sanchez del Rio Saez De-Yi Wang Xiaolu Li;Antonio Vázquez-López;José Sánchez del Río Sáez;De-Yi Wang

作者机构:IMDEA Materials InstituteC/Eric Kandel228906 GetafeMadridSpain E.T.S.de Ingenieros de CaminosUniversidad Politecnica de MadridCalle Profesor Aranguren 328040 MadridSpain Departamento de Ingenieria ElectricaElectronica Automatica y Fisica AplicadaETSIDIUniversidad Politecnica de MadridRonda de Valencia 328012 MadridSpain 

出 版 物:《Nano-Micro Letters》 (纳微快报(英文版))

年 卷 期:2022年第14卷第12期

页      面:106-136页


学科分类:0907[农学-林学] 08[工学] 0804[工学-仪器科学与技术] 0837[工学-安全科学与工程] 0805[工学-材料科学与工程(可授工学、理学学位)] 

基  金:This work was partially supported by the China Scholarship Council under the Grant CSC(201908110272) BIOFIRESAFE Project funded by Ministerio De Ciencia E Innovacion,Spain,with the project numbers:PID2020-117274RB-I00BIOFIRESAFE and PEJ-2018 MINECO. 

主  题:Smart thermosensitive fire sensors Working mechanism Response time Signal conversion 

摘      要:Early-stage fire-warning systems(EFWSs)have attracted significant attention owing to their superiority in detecting fire situations occurring in the pre-combustion process.Substantial progress on EFWSs has been achieved recently,and they have presented a considerable possibility for more evacuation time to control constant unintentional fire hazards in our daily life.This review mainly makes a comprehensive summary of the current EFWSs,including the working mechanisms and their performance.According to the different working mechanisms,fire alarms can be classified into graphene oxide-based fire alarms,semiconductor-based fire alarms,thermoelectric-based fire alarms,and fire alarms on other working mechanisms.Finally,the challenge and prospect for EFWSs are briefly provided by comparing the art of state of fire alarms.This work can propose a more comprehensive understanding of EFWSs and a guideline for the cutting-edge development direction of EFWSs for readers.

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