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Regulation and control of wet friction of soft materials using surface texturing:A review

作     者:Meng LI Wenbin SHI Jun SHI Tao WANG Liping SHI Xiaolei WANG Meng LI;Wenbin SHI;Jun SHI;Tao WANG;Liping SHI;Xiaolei WANG

作者机构:Key Laboratory of Green Fabrication and Surface Technology of Advanced Metal MaterialsAnhui University of TechnologyMa'anshan 243002China Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Special and Heay Load RobotAnhui University of TechnologyMa'anshan 243032China School of Mechanical EngineeringAnhui University of TechnologyMa'anshan 243032China College of Mechanical&Electrical EngineeringNanjing University of Aeronautics and AstronauticsNanjing 210016China 

出 版 物:《Friction》 (摩擦(英文版))

年 卷 期:2023年第11卷第3期

页      面:333-353页


学科分类:0831[工学-生物医学工程(可授工学、理学、医学学位)] 08[工学] 080203[工学-机械设计及理论] 0802[工学-机械工程] 

基  金:This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.52175172) Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province of China(Nos.2108085ME174 and 2108085QE228) Natural Science Research Fund of Higher Education of Anhui Province(No.KJ2020A0230) the Open Project of the Key Laboratory of Green Fabrication and Surface Technology of Advanced Metal Materials(No.GFST2021KF05). 

主  题:soft material surface texture wet sliding friction 

摘      要:Surface texturing is a smart strategy that is commonly used in nature or industry to improve the tribological properties of sliding surfaces.Herein,we focus on the recent research progress pertaining to the wet friction modification of soft elastomers via texturing.To consider the pertinent physical mechanisms,we present and discuss the fundamentals of wet sliding on soft surfaces(including dewetting and wetting transitions in compliant contacts).Subsequently,we consider the methods in which the characteristic textures regulate and control wet sliding behaviors on soft surfaces;these textures range from conventional patterns of dimples to bioinspired architectures and can either positively or adversely impact the interfacial friction force.Furthermore,we briefly address the perspectives,potential applications,and challenges of texture design for modifying the friction characteristics of soft materials.

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